Day 1 Session 1

Beginnings and Endings

Health and science of forest planning and succession, current data and models

Day 1 Session 1 Workshop Schedule PDF
Day 1 Session 1 Focus Questions and Summary Notes PDF


  • A/Professor Cris Brack (Fenner, ANU) – Presentation PDF
  • Minister Christopher Steel (Member for Murrumbidgee, ACT Legislative Assembly)
  • Geoff Roberts (The Mullion Group)


Day 1 Session 1 Brainstorming Notes PDF

Discussion Topics

Complete List of Discussion Topics from Session 1 PDF

Public perceptionRisk/CodesFunding
Social licenseCutting trees to encourage growthPublic perception
TrustWeak growthHarnessing new & old groups
End of lifeSafetyGreening Australia
ScalabilityTypes of TimberPeri-Urban

Conserving / ConservatismUrban Tree CanopiesModels of Auctioning/Tendering
Use of public spaceBenefits not impactsCircular Economy
Planting safety/crimeWildfire/bushfireGovernment responsibility of log dumps
Conform to a plan?TensionSocial investment
VolunteeringPlanning Rules/CodesSustainable, innovative
How to storeArtificial hollowsHigh values with Universities

What are the problems?Who are the Stakeholders?
Development reducing urban forest canopyIndigenous community – traditional uses
How to connect all stakeholdersGovernment – TCCS, EPSDD, DoE, Icon,CMTEDD
No system in place to sell/market time from urban forestSchool, CIT, University
Limited business in place to utilise timberSuburban community /resident’s association
Education of communityIndustry
Connection to artisans /suppliers/Government/processorsArtisans/ artists / woodcraft guilds
Managing urban forest with competing valuesBusiness